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  • How to transfer ChildView license on a different machine?
    To transfer ChildView and use the same activation to a new machine. 1. Run ChildView on the old computer and on the main screen click on the logo. 2. A screen will show your Computer ID and Serial Code. Take note of the serial code and click on the Remove License button to remove license. You can now install and activate ChildView on a new machine.
  • I've compared the results of other calculation software to ChildView® and obtained different results. Why?
    There could be a number of different reasons. The following discusses a few of the most common ones. All the calculations done by the ChildView software, with the exception of the Child Support Guideline table look up, are time sensitive. ChildView uses the most current information at the time of a specific version release if the current year is chosen. For example, version 2024.1.0 incorporates all the federal, provincial and territorial income tax changes that are effective for January 1, 2024. This includes not only the standard changes due to indexation but also the relevant changes that have been announced in the federal, provincial and territorial budgets prior to the version release date. Changes announced after a version release date are incorporated into the next release, the timing of which will depend on the magnitude of the changes. Because ChildView issues regular updates, mid-year tax changes are addressed in a timely manner. Benefits programs are administered by governments on a July to June cycle, not on the calendar year cycle of income tax. ChildView's calendar year calculations include blended benefits comprised of the January to June and July to December cycles. In addition, the ChildView program allows you to choose whether to use the "base taxation year" incomes or the current year income when doing the benefits calculations. Further, calculated results are dependent on the assumptions that go into the calculations. Different assumptions produce different results. For example, different results might be obtained where one calculation assumes that the recipient is a single parent and the other reflects the fact that the recipient is living in a common-law relationship. Through the detailed reporting available in the software, ChildView makes the assumptions used in the calculations transparent. While ChildView cannot comment on what other calculators may or may not be doing, if you require verification or an explanation of specific numbers, we are happy to provide you with complete details. Also, in the print preview of the ChildView cashflow report (Shedule D) clicking on a number highlighted in blue will allow you to drill down to greater detail, such as the composition of the benefits number. This feature is also available in all the spousal support reports as well.
  • When I try to open ChildView I receive a message saying "This version of ChildView has expired." What do I do?
    If you have renewed your license, download and install the license file update from the email link. If you have not renewed or cannot find the email, please give us a call at 1-800-787-8620.
  • How do I open my saved ChildView data files?
    Open your ChildView program and click on the "Open" button on the bottom left of the main screen. Either choose the approriate from the list or click the first choice (Open Saved File) and search for the file you want.
  • My computer crashed and I have to reinstall my ChildView program. What do I need to do?
    Please give us a call at 1-800-787-8620 or send an email to and explain the situation.
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